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We have been in the internet business since 1999 at www.Catnapin.com |
Practical - CEEJ Publishing gets you credit for your experience, knowledge and skills. If you are like most engineers, you already spend considerable time keeping up with the state of the art of your discipline. You also know the tried and true methods that work in your area of expertise. Share your tips, tricks and cutting edge information with others and earn PDH credit. Of course, you can learn from others and earn a PDH credit by taking a ten question, multiple choice, test.
Fast - CEEJ Publishing is a quick way to obtain the continuing education credits required by many States to renew and maintain Professional Engineer licensure. CEEJ Publishing will accept or reject most articles as quickly as they can be read and publish within days of acceptance, barring technical difficulties. Some organizations may take months or years before your article is printed. Tests will generally be graded and acknowledged Pass/Fail within 24 hours of submittal. Certificates are sent by U.S. Mail.
Economical - CEEJ Publishing provides an inexpensive alternative to the traditional means of being published. One prestigious engineering journal charges as much as $200.00 per page to publish your work. The typical "vanity" publisher charges about $500.00 for a basic "print-on-demand" or e-book package. CEEJ Publishing only charges $50.00 to review your submittal. You never have to buy any books or try to sell them. Testing is also economical with CEEJ. The "industry" average price per online PDH is $30.08 and ranges from $12.50 to $59.95! One major engineering association charges almost $94.00 per PDH for some of its seminars and you still have to pay for travel, meals and a room. Our test price is only $10.00 per PDH.
Respectful of your intellectual property - CEEJ Publishing does not assume ownership of your article. You only grant CEEJ Publishing the right to publish and distribute your work. Many organizations require that you surrender all rights to your work in order to be published.
CEEJ Publishing is not a vanity publisher. Your article is distributed by CEEJ Publishing on the internet and is free for all to read.
Is CEEJ Publishing approved by my State Board or other agency?
The short answer is no, CEEJ Publishing is not pre-approved by any State Board or agency. The rest of the story is that, to our knowledge, Nebraska and New York are the only states that restrict continuing education credits by publishing. Nebraska does not allow CE credit for publishing articles. New York requires that to obtain credit by publishing, the subject must be approved and published in a "book" or a peer reviewed journal. New York also charges you a $45.00 continuing education fee.
As a means of acquiring additional revenue, five states, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, New York and North Carolina require course sponsors to be pre-approved. Except for the aforementioned New York, these states do not, to my knowledge, pre-approve publishers or journals.
If your organization uses Continuing Education Units (CEU), the usual conversion is 1 CEU = 10 PDH. The Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) unit is equivalent to the PDH. Each engineering agency has specific acceptance policies and limits on the amount of CE credit allowed.
While we check the various state board rules periodically, ultimately, it is your responsibility to know what rules pertain to you. Please check your board/organization rules for clarification. Of course, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Please see The Texas Audit Letter for a copy of my last Continuing Education Program Audit.
A trebuchet is a siege engine that hurls heavy objects at opponent's defenses. They crumble stone walls of castles and terrorize enemies. The English word for the machine is Ingenium and their technicians were called Ingeniators. These people were the predecessors of today's Engineers. CEEJ (pronounced siege) Publishing is the engine that helps engineers win the war against time consuming and expensive continuing education classes. Okay, we also used trebuchets as a logo because they are really cool.
What types of articles are published on CEEJ Publishing?
CEEJ Publishing is intended as a means for engineers to obtain continuing education contact hours. We are not a stringent peer-reviewed journal. Our primary focus is to publish articles relating to the application of established engineering methods and analysis, such as:
Articles of General Interest
Engineering Standards
Installation Instructions
Technology Reviews
Book Reviews
Course Reviews
Extended Abstracts
Failure Analysis
Engineering Anecdotes - Humor happens. Share it.
Engineering Related Fiction - Names shall be changed to protect you from the guilty.
Articles of Professional Experience - Tell your peers about your job.
Read an article on CEEJ Publishing | Free | There is never a fee to read articles published on CEEJ Publishing. |
Submit an Article | $50.00 | Fee covers the initial reading. If accepted, the article will be e-published, and a certificate of publication issued by U.S. Mail at no extra charge. |
Resubmission | $10.00 | Fee covers the re-reading of resubmitted articles that must be rewritten for excessive spelling, grammar, or obvious technical errors. |
Take a Test | $10.00 | Fee is to process the test. Passing includes a PDH certificate sent by U.S. Mail. |
Tax, Shipping and Handling | $0.00 | No sales taxes are required. No shipping and handling fees. |
Who edits and critiques the articles?
CEEJ Publishing does not provide editing services. We will ask for a rewrite if there are obvious or excessive technical, spelling, or grammar mistakes. Please double-check your work before submitting. If a submission is rejected due to these errors, you may resubmit the corrected work.
There is a $10.00 rereading fee for resubmissions.
Authors have the opportunity to review and revise their published work by emailing corrections to CEEJ Publishing.
While you are welcome to provide suggested test questions, generally CEEJ Publishing will write the test.
How do I Submit an article? Submit an Article
Please refer to the Submission Guidelines for detailed requirements. Noncompliance is a reason for rejection.
An Acknowledgement of Submittal receipt will be emailed within 5 business days, barring technical difficulties.
Please remember to pay the $50.00 submission fee as we can not proceed without it.
Four ways to submit your article:
Send an email, with contact information and article attached, to: ceej@(nospam)ceejpublishing.com NOTE: Remove "(nospam)" from the address before sending and please mention "article submission" in the subject line.
Use the form on the Submit an Article page to find and upload your file from your local computer or network.
Use the form on the Submit an Article page to "cut and paste" or type your article directly into the text box.
Snail mail your article on disk (use 3.5" or CD only). Please include your contact information and reading fee. See Submit an Article page for address. We regret we can not return disks or other materials at this time.
How do I find an article? Article Library
Search the CEEJ Publishing Article Library by author, title, and keywords. Or just scroll down the list.
How do I take a test to earn PDH credits?
Read an article, answer the question at the end, and send to CEEJ Publishing. For most people, each article will take about 1 hour to read and complete the test.
Click the Take a Test link to bring up the Test Submittal form. Click Submit to send to CEEJ Publishing.
Send an email, with contact information and test answers, to: ceej@(nospam)ceejpublishing.com NOTE: Remove "(nospam)" from the address before sending and please mention "CEEJ article submission" in the subject line.
Mail your contact information and answers. See Take a Test page for address.
Please Note: When taking the tests, reference the material presented in the particular article to determine the correct answer. Using other information may result in a wrong answer.
Each test is worth 1 PDH. You must earn a grade of 80% or higher to pass. Each article can be a source of credit only once per person per year.
Please remember to pay the testing fee. We can not give credit until we receive your payment. Please refer to the Take a Test page for details.
Exceptionally long articles will be broken down into sections for testing. Each section counts as an individual test.
Certificates of Completion are promptly sent by mail.
How do I receive PDH credits for published articles?
CEEJ Publishing does not award PDH credits for publishing an article. This is because each state and/or organization is different. Texas and most other state boards allow 10 PDH per published article. See your board/organization rules or ask us. We mail the author a Certificate of Publication that can be used for documentation.
CEEJ Publishing will never sell or distribute your email address or other personal information unless requested by the author. Authors names will be included with published articles.
Copyright © 2005 CEEJ Publishing. All rights reserved.
June 28, 2007