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Read and follow the rules carefully.  Noncompliance is a reason for rejection.



Submit an article


Page format




Publication disclaimers

Submit an Article

  1. Refer to the Submit an Article page for complete details.

  2. CEEJ does not dictate the style of writing.

  3. CEEJ does not edit your writing.  Please double-check for spelling and grammatical errors.  Excessive errors are reason for rejection.

  4. CEEJ may ask for a rewrite or clean-up.

  5. Multiple authors are acceptable for a single article.

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Page format

  1. Rich Text Format (.rtf) file are preferred, but MS Word and WordPerfect are also acceptable.  No Portable Document (.pdf) files please.

  2. Font = Times New Roman or comparable   Titles = bold 18 point   Headings = bold 14 point   General text = standard 12 point

  3. Use standard US English. 

  4. Headings may be double spaced before and/or after the heading.  The body of the text should be single spaced.  Paragraphs should either be indented or be separated by a blank line.

  5. While shorter articles may be accepted, generally they should have a minimum of 1000 words.

  6. There is no maximum length limit, but please limit the file size of individual submissions to 1 Mb including any graphics.

  7. Drawings, sketches, or graphics must be the author's original work or have written permission to publish.  They must be clearly explained, and compliment the text.  They must be compatible with the formatting and file types listed above.  If you need help in formatting, please contact us.  

  8. Equations and graphics should be numbered to simplify references within the text.

  9. Symbols, abbreviations and acronyms should be identified upon first use or in a separate table.

  10. Referenced sources must be credited within the text or listed in a bibliography at the end of the article.

  11. CEEJ recommends you provide a short paragraph as a biography with your article.  Include pertinent information such as your title, credentials, school, company, and years experience.

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  1. Do not use insulting or vulgar language.  Maintain a professional tone.

  2. Submissions must be the original work of the author.

  3. We will accept previously published articles but only if the author still holds the copyright to the work and no other entity has a prior claim.

  4. Plagiarism is illegal.  It is the author's responsibility to document referenced sources. 

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Publication Disclaimers

  1. CEEJ is not a vanity publisher.  All submitted work must meet our minimum requirements.   CEEJ withholds the right to publish or not publish any submitted article.  Submittal fees are nonrefundable.

  2. Upon acceptance, you grant CEEJ the unlimited right to publish and use your article in perpetuity.  CEEJ reserves the right to break long articles into sections for testing.  You do not surrender any other rights to your work.

  3. Barring technical difficulties, publication will be a few days after acceptance.

  4. CEEJ is not liable for breach of contract on articles that have been previously published.  Offending articles will be removed immediately.

  5. CEEJ is not liable for any future contracts binding the article.

  6. CEEJ is not liable for plagiarism.  Offending articles will be removed upon discovery.

  7. CEEJ does not accept responsibility for the correctness of content.

  8. CEEJ will maintain a record of your continuing education credit and Certificate of Publication earned through CEEJ  for a minimum of 3 years from the date of issue of a certificate.  This information will be provided to you upon written request.

  9. CEEJ will submit a Certificate of Publication to one organization upon written request.

  10. While most states allow a 10 PDH credit for a published article, it is your responsibility to understand the continuing education program pertaining to you.

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Copyright © 2005 CEEJ Publishing. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 31, 2005