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Article # 0007

INTERVIEWING – 10 Rules for Success

The PURPOSE of this article is to provide a practical guide to interviewing for both job applicants and employers.   In my experience, everyone wants to do a great job at interviewing, but most people have never received any interviewing training, either on the employer or applicant side.  While formal training sessions are available, this guide provides a quick and easy tool for both employers and applicants.

Some proven interviewing steps which should be utilized BY ANY EMPLOYER trying to fill a job vacancy are as follows:

There is always uncertainty in hiring for a new position, but if you follow this process, then you can certainly achieve better interviewing and hiring results.  The time that you spend up front will be paid back ten fold in avoiding and trying to correct poor performance.

If YOU ARE A JOB APPLICANT, then you can use the following steps to improve your interviewing success:

There is no magic formula to obtain a job offer, but if you follow this process, then you can certainly achieve better interviewing results.  Good luck, job seekers.


Adam Berg obtained a BS Mechanical Engineering from Rice University in 1991, and a Texas Professional Engineering license in 1996.  He volunteered as an alumni undergraduate admissions interviewer for ten years, and is now Manager of Projects for FMC Technologies’ Fluid Control Division.  He has led the interview process, conducted on campus and off campus interviews, and helped select candidates for new positions within FMC Technologies.

Written for CEEJ PUBLISHING, by Adam Berg, April, 2005.

Article # 0007         TEST QUESTIONS:

1.   A top priority in business should be to...? 

  1. obtain and keep better people than your competition

  2. interview as many applicants as possible for every position.

  3. steal the best people from the competition

  4. All of the above

2.   A team interview can be a very effective ....?

  1. method to introduce the applicant to the other employees.

  2. technique to intimidate the applicant.

  3. use of time for both sides.

  4. All of the above

3.   What should the interviewer do prior to the interview?

  1. prepare criteria for the position.

  2. prepare questions to be asked.

  3. help the applicant prepare for the interview.

  4. All of the above

4.   What is the minimum time requirement for a proper interview?

  1. 30 minutes

  2. 1 hour.

  3. 2 hours,

  4. 1 day

5.   Why should you ask each applicant the same questions?

  1. It makes less work for the interviewer.

  2. So that it will be easier to compare candidates afterward.

  3. To ensure that you comply with fair hiring standards.

  4. All of the above

6.   What should the interviewer do after each interview?

  1. Write down notes about the interview.

  2. Discuss the applicant with the rest of the office.

  3. Shred the applicants personal information.

  4. Take a coffee break.

7.   Why should the interviewer try to have lunch or dinner with each applicant?

  1. So they may write-off the meal on their taxes.

  2. For a chance to get away from the office.

  3. To get a feel for the applicant’s social skills.

  4. All of the above

8.   What is the first rule for an applicant?

  1. Have your suit cleaned and pressed.

  2. Prepare for the interview.

  3. Review your resume.

  4. All of the above

9.   As an applicant, what should you do if you don't understand a question?

  1. Ask for clarification.

  2. Bring out your strong points.

  3. Ask the interviewer for some coffee.

  4. All of the above

10.   As a job applicant, what should you do during the interview?

  1. Be honest.

  2. Be prepared to answer basic questions.

  3. Ask the interviewers what they are seeking in a job applicant.

  4. All of the above


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